Insulin Resistance and Liver Disease

Protecting your liver in this modern era

April 29, 2019 By admin 0
Why the Most Worrying Condition Related to Obesity in my opinion is Liver Disease.
Fatty liver disease usually has no severe symptoms, but it can eventually lead to liver failure. The only way to reverse or manage the disease is to lose weight, exercise, avoid drinking alcohol and cutting sugar. Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease are becoming more prevalent in western cultures and do just as much damage to high alcohol consumption. Reduction in Insulin spikes are essential.
People with obesity can develop a liver disease known as fatty liver disease. This happens when excess fat builds up in the liver. When gone too far the excess fat can damage the liver or cause scar tissue to grow, known as cirrhosis.
How to recognize liver disease?
If you accumulate fat around your middle, you may be insulin resistant and that causes fatty liver disease.
Itchy skin under feet.
Chronic fatigue.
Pains in chest when sleeping on your left side only.
Inflammation. In this early stage, the liver is enlarged or inflamed.
Inflammation in other areas of your body meaning, Hands and joins and skin.
I only listed the symptoms that seems like natural aches and pains.
A Liver-Friendly Diet is Vital to Healing Your Liver
Eat lots of veggies (broccoli, carrots, and green leafy vegetables especially)
Eat acidic fruits like grapefruit, berries, grapes, lemons, and oranges.
Drink coffee. …
Drink green tea.
Eat plenty of garlic.
Maintain a plant-based diet as much as possible.
Do Not leave it unchecked.
Itching associated with liver disease tends to be worse in the late evening and during the night. Some people may itch in one area, such as a limb, the soles of their feet, or the palms of their hands, while others experience an all-over itch.
Cirrhosis isn’t curable, but it’s treatable. Doctors have two main goals in treating this disease: Stop the damage to your liver, and prevent complications. Alcohol abuse, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease are some of the main causes.
How do you fix fatty liver?
You can!
1. Lose weight. If you’re overweight or obese, reduce the number of calories you eat each day and increase your physical activity in order to lose weight. …
2. Choose a healthy diet. …
3. Exercise and be more active. …
4. Control your diabetes. …
5. Lower your cholesterol. …
6. Protect your liver.